Njoftim !!

Rector of the University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Ibrahim Gashi has indicated that economic law school and have a few seats available for admission of new students.
Rector Ibrahim Gashi, said in an interview for "New Age" of the Faculty of Medicine has no vacancies for students, in addition to running in Nursing and Midwifery.

He has indicated that the vacancy has neither the Faculty of Architecture and Education at. But, at the Faculty of Law and Economics, in his opinion, are some vacancies for new students.

"The Philosophy has vacancies, except in Political Science and Psychology direction. There are vacancies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in FECE, except in the direction of computing, "said Gashi. He also indicated that the Rector of the University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", is doing an analysis, since it is concerned to increase the number of new students.


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